Friday, October 28, 2011

Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone

nokia has officially announced its 'lumia 800' windows smartphone. with a 3.7-inch AMOLED curved
display screen, the device is designed for one-click access to common social networks and contacts.

a 8-megapixel rear camera with carl zeiss optics offers still and HD video shooting. the device
also includes 25 GB of 'skydrive' cloud storage, on top of 16 GB of internal memory, and is driven
by a single/core snapdragon processor.

released among five other new devices at nokia world 2011, the 'nokia lumia 800' is expected to retail
for 420 euro (approximately 585 USD). the device is scheduled for release first in europe in late 2011
and then in the united states in 2012.

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